Honda Fit Sims 3 Download
Note: Click on front glass to select the vehicle. All comments welcome and enjoy the Honda Fit. The 3d model is from and it is NOT required for the car to work. These are exclusive to SS2 so any recolors MUST have the following links with credit to me and a link back to the original thread.
Free 1993 ford taurus repair manual download blogspot. Ford Taurus – Ford Motor Company car production, USA.First introduced in December 1985, the Taurus has been produced for more than 25 years, being one of the oldest models in the Ford lineup.There is also a version released under the Mercury brand (“Sable”, 1986–2005; 2008–2009) and – Ford Taurus SHO (Super High Output, 1989–1999; 2010 – present).
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- Aug 06, 2007 Kind of a confusing ad for my new vehicle,lol. It's a honda fit for your sims! A man goes to place, but nothing's there, goes back at night, finds a woman, later on they get married.
- This is a remake, and a newer version of one of my popular old cars, it's a Honda Fit/Jazz! 2007 version this time. I made another ad for the car, couldn't really think of an idea, but check out the video here at youtube please and tell me what you think!
- Mod The Sims Downloads Buy Mode By Function: Vehicles: Search All sections This section and children Sims 2 Sims 3 All. Ad section Support the site! 2009 Honda Fit (Jazz) by battousan. When I was on a trip to visit my hometown three weeks ago (on Idul Fitri occasion), I saw this more.
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I saw this car bypassing me more than a dozen times, and I think it's quite cool, so I decided to make it.
After googling around to find free 3d model, the only ones available is too highpoly (around 400k)
Since using directx mesh tool / blender's poly reduce doesn't produce nice results, I had no choice but to retopo/remodel it.
After the remodeling is done, there's the wheelbase problem.
Of course I won't be doing such a time consuming process of remodeling if I haven't got any solution to mod the skeletons/rig to match the car's wheelbase.
so, as a follow-up to my thread regarding object skeletons mod,
and as a tribute to Wes Howe and ChaosMageX who helped me,
I present you :
The all new 2009 Honda Fit (it's called Honda Jazz here in Indonesia)
Object Properties :
Cloned from : CarHatchback (Wornado Triage)
CAST parts : Body, Rims, Spoiler (rear-wing)
Buy mode category : Vehicles
In-game Name : 2009 Honda Fit
Price : § 5,200
Speed : 4
That's all, enjoy the best selling compact city car from the country of the rising sun !!
Polygon Counts:
8313 vertices / 8258 faces
Additional Credits:,,
Aziza Zadeh (, for the reference model
tazpn from NeverwinterNights2 community, for NWN2 MDB utilities which includes a 3DS max granny 3d importer plugin., for the granny exporter.
WesHowe, Thank you soo much for S3ObjTool v1.00, it's now easier to see the results after HexEditing the joints !
ChaosMageX, Thanks for pointing out the orders of the twelve floats (Who would've thought I had to learn matrix math to do this mod)
Peter & Inge for their great tools,
MTS for hosting it !!
Update 08 oct 2009 :
- fixed the shadows
- fixed visible seam on CAST part #2 (spoiler)
- foglamp turned on